Si-bao elementary school is located in Taroko National Park, Hualien, Taiwan. The school once faced the destiny of being shut down due to the lack of students since most of the parents have moved into the cities in seek of job opportunities. In order to make use of the beautiful mountains and the natural resources in Hua Lien for a wonderful learning environment, the school went under a change in the teaching materials: the nature. The mission statement of Shi-bao elementary school makes sure the children learn with a delightful heart and self-motivation. With the advantage of being in the nature, children in Si-bao elementary school get to learn about the insects in where the insects live and learn about the plants in where they grow.
Si-bao elementary school also went under a renovation by D.Z. Architects & Associates. Finished in 2003, the staff and children now reside on a green campus.
a little about Shi-Bao:
"Before 2001, we were just a branch school of Fu-shih Elementary School in the Taroko National Park. 5 years ago(1996), we needed to rebuild our school. How can we be the first independent school in the Taroko National Park? The Hualian County government understood our difficult position. Besides, the school authorities, teachers, the guardian, the local personalities and so on.....all gave fresh impetus to rebuild.
Life is but a dream, carrying out dreams via step by step.
Li Lyu- Jhih is the architect of this school. Architect Li Lyu- Jhih takes user's demand and the feeling, so she discussed construction with school authorities, teachers, and students. We started building for 5 years , and are working hard to conformity opinion in the design of these buildings in Si-bao.
The dream shall come true for those who having faith remains steady !!
Si-bao Elementary School in Hualien Taroko National Park is a boarding school. We are learning in the design of hexagon classroom. First floor are office, health center, subject classrooms and open area ; second floor are education center and one computer classroom. Because we adopt primary class, each class defines 12 people. There are only 72 students in Si-bao Elementary School."
source: Si-bao Elementary School, D.Z. Architects & Associates, formosa